If for any reason you are not happy with your purchase or renewal, we will happily refund 100% of the purchase price within the terms of the refund policy listed below.
For new purchases of all subscriptions, you can obtain a refund within 14 days of the purchase date.
For annual subscriptions which are automatically renewed under the Automatic Renewal Service, you can obtain a refund within 14 days of the renewal transaction date.
For month-to-month subscriptions, you can obtain a refund for the most recent charge within 14 days of the monthly renewal date.
You also have the option to exchange your current subscription for another Rightinf0 Software product carrying over any remaining subscription period. If you would like to exchange your subscription please contact support services. Of course a pre-condition to any exchange or refund will be that you remove the original program from your computer.
Online software purchases directly from rightinf0softwareconsultingservices.com
For purchases placed directly at rightinf0softwareconsultingservices.com you must adhere to the following guidelines:
Requests for refunds for all new purchases must be made within 14 days of the purchase date.
Requests for refunds for automatic renewal of annual subscriptions under the Automatic Renewal Service must be made within 14 days of automatic subscription renewal.
Requests for refunds for month-to-month subscriptions must be made within 14 days of the monthly renewal date.
Requests for a refund can be submitted online, via email or telephone.
You must provide us with sufficient information to be able to identify your transaction, such as the license code, order or invoice number given to you on purchase or renewal.
Rightinf0 Software Consulting Services will only refund the amount you paid for the software plus any appropriate taxes charged.
Refunds will be made in the same manner as purchase e.g. if you purchased the product by credit card, your credit card will be credited.
All refunds will be processed within approximately 10 working days however bank clearing may delay this process.Rightinf0 Software Consulting Services will only provide a refund outside these guidelines where it is required to do so by law.